
Análisis Softonic

¿Qué quieres que haga por ti? - Un dulce juego de aventuras románticas

"私に何してほしいの? あまあまトークゲーム" is a romantic adventure game where you engage in conversations with a girl who appears before you, aiming for a happy ending through building a close relationship. This game allows you to not only interact with characters like police officers and shrine maidens but also have sweet romantic moments with famous supernatural beings like the eight-foot-tall Yashiki and Hanako-san.

All the game's content is available for free, making it accessible to everyone. It is also open for gameplay by content creators without needing any prior permission.

In this game, you follow a simple set of steps:

1) Read the dialogue of the girl in front of you.

2) Select the words she is looking for.

3) Correct answers increase the girl's affection towards you.

4) Once the affection reaches its maximum level, you can witness a happy ending.

The game features various girls to pursue, including a high-class JK (high school girl), a nursery teacher, a dental hygienist, Nyarlathotep, and Cthulhu, among others.

Embark on a romantic journey and create your own love story in "私に何してほしいの? あまあまトークゲーム"!

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